
As our global marketplace expands, businesses and economies continue to evolve. 你也会的. 大学市场营销专业毕业, you'll learn how to catch the eye of consumers, 火花销售, 建立一个品牌.

我们的毕业生工作 在布什建筑公司, 地理亲和营销, 布拉德利大学, 中央石油设备, 还有很多其他的.


  • Committed, Dedicated 商学院 教师
  • 创建一个真正的营销活动
  • 建立专业联系




Our marketing faculty are experts with deep business connections, and you reap all of the benefits. 被教, 和指导, by professors who are intent on making sure you get practical, real-world marketing experience before you graduate. 在分, your drive is as strong as our dedication to your education.



You will need a base of business knowledge, 所以你要上会计的核心课程, 宏观和微观经济学, 金融, 管理原则, 商业道德, 和统计数据. You'll also dive into consumer behavior, international marketing, research, and strategy. Electives include 销售 strategies, social media marketing, and sports marketing.

最好的是 how 你会学到. 在分, it is rare to sit in a classroom with more than 25 students which means our professors have time to focus on your goals. They support your ambition by creating opportunities for you to jump in, 实践, and contribute to the success of local businesses and organizations. And, they believe in the value of team-based project learning.

例如, five students in a 市场营销 Strategies course helped one of the most well-established road races in the Midwest tap into new marketing.

阅读这个故事 了解更多.

  • 我们知道你想提高你的技能, so the SAU 商学院 created a comprehensive internship program. 你会得到质量, 亲自动手的, marketable experience when you intern at local, 区域, 国家公司, 包括中美能源和迪尔 & 公司. We encourage you to complete multiple internships – consider going overseas – to broaden your skills and perspective and give you a head start in your career. Click here to search 出国留学 programs.
  • 加入 SAU营销俱乐部, the largest American 市场营销 Association chapter in Iowa. This student-led club (check them out on 脸谱网) takes trips to Chicago, Minneapolis, and St. Louis to meet face-to-face with top marketing executives from organizations such as Chicago Bears, 百思买, 尼尔森媒体研究, St. Louis Cardinals, and BBDO, a worldwide advertising agency network.
  • 我们的校友担任行政人员, 中层管理人员, and entry-level positions in Fortune 100 companies, 非营利组织, 小型企业. Ask the department chair to get you connected with an alumni mentor or use BeeConnection, a resource provided by the SAU Career Center.
  • 考虑第二主修,或辅修 业务,这将提高你的营销技巧.

You've heard people say it before: "College will be the greatest time of your life!" With 出国留学, you can add even more to your college years.

You can study in another country in a semester-long or short-term study abroad program (with a few offered during spring and winterim breaks). 不管持续多久, these trips deepen your professional education while earning credit toward graduation.

There are also opportunities through an exchange program, an overseas internship, or volunteering. The limits for 出国留学 are only ones you set for yourself! SAU学生在意大利学习, 哥斯达黎加, 澳大利亚, 韩国, 联合王国, 西班牙, 厄瓜多尔, 日本, 德国, Peru, 塞浦路斯, 克罗地亚, 伯利兹, 加拿大, 智利, 和更多的.

SAU students returning from their 出国留学 locations talk about their time away as life-changing – personally, 在情感上, 在文化上, 和学术.

Click here to search our 出国留学 programs, and 一般信息请点击这里.


市场营销 majors commonly work in advertising, 市场研究, 专业的销售, filling roles such as marketing strategist, 客户经理, 社交媒体营销人员, 媒体顾问, 客户关系经理, 消费者行为专家.

A marketing major also can lead to careers in product management, 行业营销管理, 销售, 零售业, 或咨询.

  • Shelby Boock '12 is an Account Executive with Two Rivers 市场营销 in Des Moines.
  • Joseph Tigges '16 works at Cobham Mission Systems in Davenport as an Engineering Project Administrator.
  • Nick Scobee '17 double-majored in Management and 市场营销 – a popular choice – and works at Allsteel in Muscatine as a Sales Account Specialist.

梁赵,博士,副教授. 教授
莎拉Luebke,分类. 教授


Bachelor of 业务 Administration (BBA) in 市场营销

ACCT 202会计原则2
FNCE 300金融学原理
MATH 191 Calculus and Analytical Geometry OR 商业中的定性推理
MGMT 210管理原理
MGMT 449战略管理和策略
MKTG 209市场学原理
PHIL 305商业道德
STBE 237 Statistics for 业务 and Economics

Beyond the business core courses, students must complete additional requirements:
MKTG 349国际营销
MKTG 399实习
MKTG 499营销策略

MKTG 329 Integrative 市场营销 Communications
MKTG 339/SLS 235 Professional Sales Strategies
MKTG 379服务 & 事件营销
MKTG 389专题

See 市场营销 courses and descriptions in the online course catalog


This is the suggested plan of study to graduate in four years with a degree in 市场营销. This plan assumes the student has not taken three years of foreign language in high school.


+英语101作文 3 MGMT 210管理原理 3
商业中的定性推理 3 +ECON 202微观经济学原理 3
+THEO 100/200课程 3 +PHIL 100/200课程 3
MKTG 209市场学原理 3 +COMM 203人际沟通 3
+人文-第一门课程 3 +外语101 3
nss101新生研讨会 1 +IL 101信息灯 1
总计 16 总计 16


MKTG选修1 3 ACCT 202管理会计 3
ACCT 201财务会计 3 FNCE 300金融学原理 3
经济学201宏观经济学原理 3 商业法律环境 3
+外语102 3 STBE 237 Statistics for 业务 and Economics 3
消费者行为 3 国际市场营销 3
BUS 200寿命设计 1 +KIN 149健康概念 1
总计 16 总计 16


市场研究 3 出国留学
+社会科学 3 +人文-第二课程 3
+自然科学通用教育 3 +西奥/菲尔选择性 3
+创意艺术 3 MKTG选修课2 3
选修1 3 选修2 3
总计 15 总计 12


+PHIL 305商业道德 3 WI-MGMT 449 Strategic Mgmt and Policy 3
MKTG 499营销策略 3 选修课6,7 & 8 9
选修课4 & 5 6 +的活动 1
WI选修三 3 *MKTG 399实习
总计 15 总计 13


MKTG electives: 329, 339, or SLS 235, 359, 379, 389


MKTG 209市场学原理

MKTG 329 Integrated 市场营销 Communications
MKTG 339专业销售策略
MKTG 349国际营销
MKTG 379服务 & 事件营销
MKTG 389专题

Click here to read course descriptions for 市场营销


Our alumni and students are blazing trails for themselves, something that has become a hallmark of the 市场营销 program at St. 竞技宝app下载安装. Learn more about one member of our community:

Twyla Pereria镂空手机 Twyla Pereria镂空


Dual Major: Bachelor of Arts in 业务 Management & 市场营销、人力资源管理员 & Safety Manager, George Evans Corporation,Class of 2018

Twyla is an independent soul who created her own path to college. 她选择成为竞技宝app下载安装人, 在某种程度上, for our small class sizes and the comprehensive education we provide. Then, we exceeded her expectations by providing a personal, supportive and encouraging community where she thrived.


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